
October 30, 2009

Pro-Life Activists to Lie Down on Pennsylvania Ave, in Front of the White House, to Form a Large Number 71

Pro-Life Activists to Lie Down on Pennsylvania Ave, in Front of the White House, to Form a Large Number 71

The 71 represents the percentage of Americans who oppose taxpayer funded abortions in healthcare according to national polls.
The activists will be in front of the White House on Saturday, October 31, at 12:00 P.M.
This prophetic public witness for life is part of a national campaign called "Abortion is Not Healthcare."
For the past several months, the pro-life community has held a series of rallies, prayer vigils, demonstrations and lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C. and across the nation to speak out against taxpayer funded abortions being a part of healthcare reform.
A part of "Abortion is Not Healthcare" is a virtual campaign called
Last month, activists displayed a huge 140 ft. 71 (shown in the image accompaning this release) on the West Lawn of the United States Capitol.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition and one of the organizers of "Abortion is Not Healthcare" states,
"This Saturday we are coming to the front of the White House to call upon President Obama to affirm human rights and ensure that taxpayer funds are not used to pay for or subsidize abortion.  Healthcare should focus on healing, compassion and mercy not the killing of innocent children and the diminishing of women.
"As we lay our lives down on the street in front of the White House, we are first reminding the President to listen to the wisdom of the American people who overwhelmingly oppose public monies being used to pay for abortions in healthcare.
"We are also being a prophetic witness that as people of faith we are willing to lay down our lives to embrace the heart of Christ and social justice and passionately work to ensure that all human life is honored and protected.
"We will not be silent.
"We will not be indifferent.
"We will sacrifice to end abortion."

Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney
Source: Iam71
Publish Date: October 20, 2009
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