
October 7, 2009

Planned Parenthood Conducts Clinical Trials on Underage Girls

Planned Parenthood Conducts Clinical Trials on Underage Girls

American Life League released a recent survey that reveals that at least 10 Planned Parenthood clinical trials have been conducted on underage girls as young as 13.

Twenty-eight Planned Parenthood affiliates have been involved in 33 clinical trials – some government funded – 10 of which involved young girls. Two of the 33 total trials ended in the 1990s, the remaining 31 were conducted in the last seven years, and many are still ongoing.

Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, conducted the review.

Two of the trials in which girls as young as 14 participated dealt with getting the girls to take birth control consistently by sending them text message reminders.

"In most states, minor girls involved in sexual activity is considered sex abuse and is illegal," Sedlak said.

Other Planned Parenthood clinical trials involve African-American girls as young as 13 and trials to increase the use of "emergency contraception" (the morning after pill regimen) among girls as young as 14.

The nation's largest abortion business is also involved in trials on medical abortion techniques, birth control techniques, pain reduction during abortion, sterilization, and IUD insertion, and a trial assessing the safety and efficacy of a new "emergency contraceptive" known as Ella.

Before closing in June 2009, Planned Parenthood of El Paso was involved in clinical trials on Hispanic men and women with HIV.  Planned Parenthood of New York City is also involved in trials regarding delivery of HIV health services.

Planned Parenthood affiliates conducting clinical trials on minors include Planned Parenthood of Georgia, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, Planned Parenthood of Maryland, Planned Parenthood of Shasta-Diablo, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, Virginia League of Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood of New York City, and Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas.    Other Planned Parenthood affiliates involved in the trials are listed in the review.

"As Planned Parenthood continues to spread its tentacles throughout our country's health care establishment, it is imperative that it be met with resistance at every turn," Sedlak said.  "We encourage everyone who lives in the area serviced by the Planned Parenthood affiliates mentioned in this report to launch educational campaigns against this organization."

Click here for the full review.

Contact: Katie Walker
Source: American Life League
Publish Date: October 6, 2009
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