
October 1, 2009

One electronic system for patient records

It is one disaster after the next for the UK's National Heath Service. Now, computer problems are hitting people where they hurt. Literally.

Thousands of people are being forced to wait six months or more for hospital treatment or tests because of problems with the £12.7 billion project to upgrade NHS computer systems.

More than 14,000 patients at a major London trust have already had to endure waiting times that exceed government guidelines. The trust was one of the first to install electronic patient records. Similar systems are being rolled out across England. The Department of Health says that nobody should wait more than 18 weeks to receive hospital treatment from the time they are referred by a GP, unless they choose to wait longer.

That last sentence alone tells us all we need to know about the NHS!  Good grief.  Oh, and Obamacare, as I understand it, wants one electronic system for patient records.  It better have a lot of redundancy!