
October 26, 2009


(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

Florida Plans Plug Pulling, Death Panels, Healthcare Rationing

Public health officials in Florida are silently drawing up guidelines that call for "rationed" medical care, admission denials, and even withdrawing essential care from certain patients in the event of a serious spread of influenza, documents show. Led by Florida Surgeon General Ana Viamonte, the state Department of Health's Pandemic Influenza Technical Advisory Committee issued a draft report entitled "Pandemic Influenza: Triage and Scarce Resource Allocation" that purports to offer guidance on how to distribute medical supplies in the event of a flu outbreak or other health emergency. It also identifies a "methodology that enables healthcare institutions to make decisions on patient admission and treatment," according to the introduction.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion, Birth Control Pill Linked To Breast Cancer, Surgeon Says

After her best childhood friend died from breast cancer, Ruth Deddens began researching the causes of the dreaded disease. The Oakwood woman's investigation eventually led her to Angela Lanfranchi, a clinical assistant professor of surgery at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey and president of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute. Deddens, active in the "40 Days for Life" movement, decided to bring Lanfranchi to town as part of this year's local pro-life campaign. Lanfranchi — who insists there are proven links between breast cancer, abortion and birth control pills — was the featured speaker at St. Anthony Church in East Dayton and a Sunday afternoon, Oct. 25, public gathering at the University of Dayton. She also spoke at two invitation-only events hosted by Deddens in memory of her friend, Katherine "Kit" Benham England, who died last Easter.
Click here for the full article.

Colombia's Council of State suspends regulations permitting abortion

Bogotá, Colombia - Colombia's Council of State has provisionally suspended regulations allowing abortions to be performed in the country, thus prohibiting any clinic from performing the procedure until its legal status is resolved.

According to several media reports, the decision by the Council of State does not overrule the Constitutional Court's decision in 2006 to legalize abortion in cases of rape, fetal deformation or life of the mother.
Click here for the full article.

Constitutional Court in Peru admits abortifacient effect of morning-after pill

Lima, Peru - Peru's Constitutional Court has ruled against the distribution of the "morning-after pill" at public health care facilities because the abortifacient effect of the drug has not been ruled out.

According to the public relations office of the Court, the justices hold that "the inexistence of the abortifacient effect, the inhibition of the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the endometrium, has not been demonstrated."

The court accepted the arguments of various NGOs after evaluating the arguments presented by  national and international institutions and found that supporters of the pill could not prove that it does not affect the right to life of the unborn, which is protected by the Peruvian Constitution.

The court's ruling bans the free distribution of the morning-after pill in public health care facilities...
Click here for the full article.

Abortion in Health-Care Reform May Hurt Minorities the Most

Black Americans could be the group most affected by including taxpayer-funded abortions in health-care reform, according to pro-life experts.
Jim Sedlak, vice president of the American Life League, said studies show one in two African-American pregnancies end in abortion, and the abortion rate for black women is almost three times that of white women.

"These statistics show that (health care) is going to wind up paying mostly for abortions for African-American women," Sedlak said. "It's going to be killing off the African-American race in this country."
Click here for the full article.

View the Entire Pro-Life Petition News Conference Video

Nearly 150,000 signatures were delivered to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, representing millions of Americans who do not support taxpayer funding of abortion in health-care reform.

Yesterday's Focus Action Update offered a taste of the event, but a video of the entire event is now available.

Click here to watch the press conference.
Click here for the full article.