Mayor Richard Daley said today he will sign a new ordinance aimed at keeping anti-abortion activists away from patients entering clinics. Daley said the ordinance will “try to make sure nobody is harassed.” The mayor said protesters can express their opinions but “should not harass and scream and yell” at people going into medical facilities. “There has to be some civility left in our society," he said. When a reporter noted that some aldermen voted against the measure, citing their religious beliefs, Daley, who is Catholic, said, “My religion is very personal.” The mayor's decision to sign instead of veto the abortion protester ordinance comes as his office today said it would halt a telephone survey it was conducting on the controversial ordinance.
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Also... Daley's office pulls plug on abortion protest survey
Mayor Richard Daley's office is abruptly halting a telephone survey it was conducting on a controversial, newly approved City Council ordinance intended to rein in anti-abortion protesters, a top aide said today.
The city had set up a phone line allowing callers to say whether they are for or against the new ordinance, which was approved by aldermen Wednesday and creates eight-foot "bubble zones" around people near medical offices. Source: Chicago Tribune