
October 13, 2009

Chicago Mayor Daley to Sign Abortion "Bubble Law" Ordinance

Chicago Mayor Daley to Sign Abortion "Bubble Law" Ordinance
By James Tillman

Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago has said he will sign a new ordinance passed by the City Council at the behest of Planned Parenthood.  The ordinance prevents pro-lifers from coming within 8 feet of a woman entering an abortion facility without her permission, for an area extending fifty feet around the building.

Mayor Daley said that the ordinance would "try to make sure nobody is harassed."  He said that he did not want people to "harass and scream and yell" at those entering abortion facilities.  "There has to be some civility left in our society," he explained.

Mayor Daley, who says he is Catholic, explained that he separates his religion from his politics: "My religion is very personal. ... Religion does not play a part when I make a decision on behalf of the people of Chicago.  It is a decision I have to make as a mayor, not as a Catholic. ... That is separate for me."

If Mayor Daley signs this ordinance, he will be reversing a position that he explicitly affirmed years ago.  In 1996, Daley ridiculed a proposal that also would have given women entering abortion mills an 8-foot buffer zone between them and anyone attempting to counsel them.  He said that it would require "measuring tapes ... You'd get into arguments."

Mayor Daley may be reached for respectful comment at 312-744-3300 and members of the city council at
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