
October 5, 2009

America's pro-life, pro-abortion gap oh so slight

America's pro-life, pro-abortion gap oh so slight

A recent poll indicates Americans are more pro-life than ever.

A Pew Research Center poll conducted in 2008 showed those who favor keeping abortion legal outnumbered those with a pro-life view 54 to 40 percent. But the latest poll, the results of which were released last week, shows that gap reduced to 47 and 45 percent, respectively, with a two-percent margin for error -- a statistical dead heat.
Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America believes the hard work by pro-lifers is paying off. "One reason why it's so important that the public supports the sanctity of human life and the protecting of unborn children is that in order to pass laws, we've got to have the public supporting those laws," she explains.
The poll, she adds, may reflect that Americans are seeing the reality that Washington is dominated by pro-abortion forces.
"Our politicians and our law enforcement should be taking a serious look at this-- and especially now that Congress is dealing with healthcare reform," Wright urges. "And this poll should encourage politicians to ensure that any healthcare package does not end up using government money to pay for abortions."
Polls are one thing, says Wright -- but the opinions that really register, she points out, are the ones delivered by constituents to their elected representatives.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 5, 2009
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