
October 6, 2009

ACTION ALERT: The Chicago "Bubble Zone" Ordinance


The Chicago "Bubble Zone" Ordinance

Chicago abortionists -- led by Planned Parenthood -- are pushing the Chicago City Council to adopt a new "bubble zone" ordinance, which would prohibit pro-lifers from coming within eight feet of any person approaching an abortion clinic.

The bubble zone would make sidewalk counseling nearly impossible within the city limits! Such a chilling attack on free speech could even halt the 40 Days for Life campaign going on right now!

The proposed ordinance was passed by the Human Relations committee last week, and could be voted on by the City Council as early as this Wednesday.

Please ACT NOW to stop the Chicago Bubble Zone and protect free speech.

Call Mayor Daley's Office TODAY at 312-744-3300
Tell them you oppose this unconstitutional restriction on your freedom of speech.