
September 10, 2009


Last night, President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress -- and the nation -- about his plan for a national, government-run health care system, stating: "One more misunderstanding I want to clear up -- under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions."

This simply IS NOT TRUE! Even the mainstream media and respected fact-checking organizations are calling out the President on this misinformation.

Make no mistake about it: Abortion WILL be funded by the government through the proposed health care plan.

For years, Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby have been working towards the day when abortion would be included in comprehensive health care reform -- the day when abortion coverage would become mandatory and paid for with your tax dollars.

Unless we act NOW, that day is here!

If President Obama's proposed health care legislation passes, abortion providers will get their wish -- a multi-billion-dollar bailout, funded by the federal government through your tax dollars.

Even as national polls reveal growing opposition to the abortion-laden health care reform proposals, new polling results released today show that the majority of Americans think it is WRONG for the government to pay for abortions and DO NOT want the government to fund health plans that fund abortions.

We must redouble our efforts to stop the abortion mandate in proposed health care reform legislation.

That's why we're inviting you to join pro-lifers across the country TODAY in the "VOID THE ABORTION MANDATE" virtual rally and grassroots campaign. 

President Obama and your representatives in Congress need to hear from you TODAY.

Here's what to do right now:

 * CONTACT YOUR SENATORS AND CONGRESSMAN: Visit and click on the "voided check" image to send a clear message to your elected representatives that you don't want the government funding abortion:

 * SOCIAL NETWORKING ACTIVISM: Download the new "Void the Abortion Mandate" voided check logo and sample status message and post them on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other social networking web sites. Click here and get them.

 * GET THE FACTS -- HEALTH CARE REFORM FUNDS ABORTION: Having a hard time explaining how the proposed health care plan forces taxpayers to subsidize abortion? Click here, get the new chart revealing the exact money trail.

 * SEE THE LATEST POLLING RESULTS: The majority of Americans think it is wrong for the government to pay for abortions and do not want the government to fund health plans that fund abortions. Click here to see the polling results released today.

 * SPREAD THE WORD: Forward this e-mail to every person  you can, encouraging them to take action at

Student Activism Day September 16th: Stop The Abortion Mandate!

The first Students for Life of Illinois Activism Day is "Stop The Abortion Mandate" on Wed, September 16th.  We are hard at work creating materials for you to spread the word, these include:

    * Fliers and handouts for your campus!
    * Educational Links, audio and videos to educate yourself to speak inteligently!
    * Activism Day Checklist to help you spread the word in every way!

These materials will be posted online in the next few hours or days. We will notify you by email when they are up so you can get started.
With this Activism Day you will work with the Stop The Abortion Mandate Coalition to educate your campus and community about abortion in healthcare reform and get your peers, family and friends to contact their representatives asking for an explicit exclusion of funding abortion.

Click here for more information.