
September 16, 2009

Pro-Life Group Pushes 'Personhood' Ballot Measures In Several States

Pro-Life Group Pushes 'Personhood' Ballot Measures In Several States

The antiabortion-rights group Personhood USA is leading petition drives in Colorado, Mississippi, Montana and Nevada in support of proposed ballot initiatives that would define fertilized eggs as people under the states' constitutions, the AP/Wichita Eagle reports. The group is also expected to file proposed language for similar ballot initiatives in California and Florida this month. According to the AP/Eagle, the group has chapters in 29 states working to get personhood amendments on 2010 ballots or before state legislatures.

Last year, Colorado became the first state where a so-called "personhood" amendment made the ballot.  Click here for the full article.

This a good TV advertisement posted by PersonhoodUSA that supports Colorado's personhood ballot effort.

Click here to view the video.

The Fire from Personhood USA on Vimeo.