Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.
Pro-Lifers to Spend Two Weeks Protesting Health Care Bill
Mounting concern over the possibility of taxpayer-funded abortions in health-care reform has prompted Christians to pray and protest in Washington, D.C.
The "Kill the Bill" protests will take place Sept. 9-23 on Capitol Hill. Pro-life advocates will pray and hand out leaflets to staffers. Others will lobby members of the House and Senate to oppose any bill that would include abortion.
Charmaine Yoest, president and chief executive officer of Americans United for Life, said some lawmakers claim the health care plan wouldn't cover.
"Unless they pass an explicit ban on abortion funding," she said, "then it's in there."
Click here for the full article.
Largest Network of Priests against Abortion Weighs in on Health Care Debate
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, the largest network of clergy and lay people dedicated to ending abortion, announced today two special initiatives regarding the Church's call for authentic health care. First, Priests for Life has created a special website at which features a daily Prayer to End Abortion as well as a Prayer for Our Nation's Health Care Reform. A second site,, serves as a special Facebook cause that is quickly becoming the largest pro-life prayer group in history. Fr. Pavone asks all priests to encourage their parishioners to join Facebook and sign up on this urgent cause.
Click here for the full article.
Pregnancy Centers Get Boost with New Partnership at Care Net National Conference
Christian Leadership Alliance and EvanTell come alongside movement with new resources, programs, and training
Care Net will celebrate its 26th National Pregnancy Center Conference on Sept. 9-12, 2009 in Baltimore, MD, attracting more than 900 individuals from across North America for training, worship, inspiration, and encouragement. Despite a down economy and a changing political climate, the pregnancy center movement is alive and well, thanks to the support of individuals, foundations, and organizations providing new partnerships and resources to support its critical work.
Click here for the full article.
Planned Parenthood to Close 5 Clinics
Planned Parenthood's 29 Other Clinics To Stay Open Across Indiana
Planned Parenthood of Indiana is closing five (of its 34) clinics, including one in Indianapolis, because of a loss of funding. Planned Parenthood's 29 other centers, including several in Indianapolis, will remain open. Planned Parenthood is losing some of the funding it receives through the Indiana State Department of Health-administered Title XX grants. The grants were used to help pay some of the costs for patient treatment. Starting in October, the Indiana Family Health Council, a nonprofit corporation, takes over administration of about $2 million in Title XX funds. The Indiana Family Health Council funds a number of health centers that treat low-income patients. Those clinics include Wishard and HealthNet, as well as a number of federally funded health centers.
Click here for the full article.
Hundreds of Pro-Life Demonstrators Converge on Vienna City Hall to Protest Abortion Party
This past Friday several hundred pro-life demonstrators in Vienna protested the decision of the city's mayor to host a party celebrating the anniversary of a notorious abortion facility.
The demonstration outside city hall marked a party hosted by Mayor Michael Häupl to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Austria's first legal abortion facility, the Pro-Woman Clinic, which operates according to the guidelines of Marie Stopes International (MSI), and claims to have killed over 300,000 babies since its founding.
The 500-strong coalition of pro-life Austrians and others included representatives of Human Life International, Tradition, Family and Property, Doctors for Life, and the Austrian political party Die Christen. They were joined by over a hundred members of Youth for Life who travelled across Austria to attend the event, and by the Centre for Bioethical Reform (Europe), based in neighboring Slovakia.
Click here for the full article.
Largest Pro-Life TV Show Starts 15th Consecutive Year with Brand New Series
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, the largest network of clergy and lay people dedicated to ending abortion, announced today the new season of Defending Life, the largest and longest running pro-life TV show in the world. The show began in 1995 after Mother Angelica personally asked Fr. Pavone to do a series on abortion. EWTN recently doubled the production of the series to 26 new episodes per year.
The new season features 13 brand new episodes. It will run on the EWTN Global Catholic Network on Fridays at 10pm and Saturdays at 2 am as well as on EWTN Global Catholic Radio on Fridays at 1am, Saturdays at 6:30pm and Sundays at 5am (All times Eastern).
Click here for the full article.