
September 9, 2009

Federal probe should include Planned Parenthood

Federal probe should include Planned Parenthood

A prominent pro-life leader has some advice for the Justice Department in a probe of racism.

Dr. Alveda King -- niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and head of African American Outreach -- points to the DOJ's new drive to probe possibly racist policies of federal fund recipients. She believes the agency's investigation ought to include Planned Parenthood, which she calls the biggest abortion provider and referral service in the U.S. and that receives a huge annual federal tax subsidy.
"That can certainly be considered racial and discriminatory against people of color and against the poor because Planned Parenthood puts most of their clinics in urban areas and in African-American areas, and now Hispanic areas," King points out.
Dr. Alveda King (King for America)King contends it is difficult to get Washington's attention to look into the problem on the basis of discrimination.
"Planned Parenthood has a history of deception, fooling leaders like my uncle, Dr. King; fooling susceptible, abortion-vulnerable women like me. Fifty-million babies have been aborted in America, and many of the women who receive those abortions have been abortion-vulnerable," the pro-life leader notes. "We've been lied to. Many of our leaders have been lied to."
King points out that 36 percent of abortions performed in the U.S. kill African-American babies, while African Americans only represent about 11 percent of the population.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: September 9, 2009
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