Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.
Doctors Refuse to Help Patients Kill Themselves
Doctors in Montana are refusing to cooperate with a court decision allowing physician-assisted suicide, saying their role is to care for patients, not help them kill themselves.
In December, a District Court judge ruled that physician-assisted suicide is a constitutional right. The Montana Medical Association, however, said it "does not condone the deliberate act of precipitating the death of a patient."
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Congress in Honduras prohibits abortion pill
The House of Representatives in Honduras has approved a law prohibiting “the morning-after pill” as unconstitutional because of its abortifacient nature. The full Congress approved the measure which bans the purchase, sale, use and distribution of the morning-after pill.
The measure was sponsored by Liberal Party Representative Martha Lorena Alvarado and supported by a statement from the Medical College of Honduras, which pointed out the pill’s abortifacient effects.
The emergency contraceptive pill “is a hormonal bomb that acts directly in the body causing thousands of physical changes in girls, who are the ones taking it the most, 12, 14 and 16 year-old girls take it after a night of partying, making it a pharmaceutical abortion,” Alvarado said.
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Bush's Plan B Abortion Pill to Be Available to Minors
The [abortifacient] contraceptive pill Plan B will be available over the counter to 17-year-olds by the end of April after a federal judge ordered the Food and Drug Administration to follow his ruling within 30 days March 23. Plan B has been available over the counter to women who are 18 and older since 2006, yet the decision to place restrictions on the dispersion of the pill was influenced by the politics of the Bush administration, not women’s safety, United States District Court Judge Edward Korman said in his 52-page ruling. Plan B is also available with a prescription. The FDA refused to comment on the Plan B 'opinion'. “We are still reviewing the judge’s decision,” FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research spokeswoman Rita Chappelle said.
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Transit Buses Pulls Pro-Life Ad
A series of abortion ads have been removed from Sarnia Transit buses following a complaint. Sarnia Transit manager Jim Stevens said the sign, which reads: “9 months. The length of time an abortion is allowed in Canada,” was posted among other advertising on six city buses. The banner ads have been removed temporarily until the complaint is reviewed, he said. St. Francis Xavier student Miranda Domingue raised the issue in a letter to The Observer. She said the city appears to be endorsing a position when it allows a controversial sign to be plastered in or on a bus.
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A Medical Version of the Patriot Act?
The computerization of personal health care records is one of the showcases of the stimulus. President Obama promised: "We will make the immediate investments necessary to ensure that within five years all of America's medical records are computerized." Congress ponied up $19 billion to subsidize doctors and hospitals computerizing patient record and creating electronic health care tracking systems.
The ultimate goal of the Obama program is "the utilization of a certified electronic health record for each person in the United States by 2014," as the stimulus legislation states. But having a massive electronic database will make it far easier for the government to coerce both doctors and patients. This is a peril as bad as or worse than the Patriot Act.
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