
April 28, 2009


Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Misread Ultrasound Resulted In Abortion

An Australian specialist has been criticised for misreading an ultrasound that resulted in the wrongful abortion of a Wellington woman's baby. A follow-up check at Hutt Hospital nine days later showed the baby was just in an unusual position, but was alive and well. However, by that stage the woman had been given medication to terminate the pregnancy and the baby later died, the Dominion Post reported today.
Click here for the full article.

Cloning Heats Up as Next Bioresearch Fight

As the Obama administration prepares to greatly expand the government's investments in embryonic stem cell research, the next big biomedical research debate in Congress is shaping up: whether to allow government funding of experiments using cloned human embryos. Some scientists were disappointed April 17 when the NIH issued draft guidelines for embryonic stem cell research that excludes from federal funding cell lines developed using a procedure called "somatic cell nuclear transfer," or SCNT. Synonymous with therapeutic cloning, the procedure could theoretically yield stem cells from human embryos that are genetic copies of adults. [T]he NIH says even now that it will only fund research involving embryonic stem cells derived from embryos discarded by in vitro fertilization clinics, and only in cases where the parents of the embryos consent in writing to their use for science. Embryonic stem cells derived from other means, including somatic cell nuclear transfer, will not be eligible for federal funding.
Click here for the full article.

Free Speech Protects Anti-Abortion Display

Students for Life invited Justice for All, an organization seeking to increase public opposition to abortion, to set up a display in the Brickyard. The 20-foot-tall, 40-foot-wide display contained graphic images of aborted fetuses, which may have disturbed some people. While the images were extremely graphic, the Students for Life had every right to display these photos. In the interests of free speech, there is no reason why these photos should be taken down.
Click here for the full article.

I have a dream too

I have spoken across North America for the sanctity, dignity and equality of every human life and against abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide. There are so many people who have faithfully served the cause of Life issues for decades. Their names and faces are familiar to me. It’s hard not to notice the greying of the pro-Life movement.

Year after year, these people work to defend vulnerable human life at every state and stage, from conception to natural death. Defending the right to life is a holy cause: A holy cause they think they are losing. Yes, Pro-Life stalwarts are greying and I wonder who will stand up for life when they retire or are gone?
Click here for the full article.

CHIP Will Not Pay For Birth Control

Montana is one of only five states that forbids the Children's Health Insurance Program from paying for birth-control products - and, as part of the budget deal struck by lawmakers over the weekend, that ban will remain intact. Sen. John Brueggeman, R-Polson, this month inserted language into a pair of budget bills to allow CHIP to start paying for contraception for teenage children covered by the government insurance program. Yet the deal reached by budget-bill negotiators called for striking those changes. House-Senate conference committees formalized that aspect Monday, voting to remove Brueggeman's amendments from the bills.
Click here for the full article.