April 22, 2009
Anti Abortion Protesters will be at VP Biden Award at Georgetown Law School
Georgetown University Continues to Follow Her Treacherous Sister Notre Dame, Honors Biden with Award, Pro-Lifers to Protest
On Wednesday, April 22, starting at 10 a.m., DC area Pro-life leaders and activists will protest at Georgetown Law Center, McDonough Hall, 600 New Jersey Ave. NW, Washington, DC.
The pro-lifers are there to denounce Georgetown, who is hosting Legal Momentum (the defense and educational fund of National Organization of Women, a pro-abortion organization celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act) to present the "Legal Momentum Hero Award" to V.P. Biden.
This is happening while Georgetown knows the scandal and outrage surrounding Obama's scheduled speech at Notre Dame on May 17.
Missy Smith, Director of WAKEUP!, will lead the protest.
Missy Smith is a "post abortive mother," the State Leader of Operation Outcry, Member of Silent No More Awareness Campaign, and founder of WAKEUP, (Women Against the Killing and Exploitation of Unprotected Persons)
Missy Smith states:
"As a post abortive woman and representing thousands of women who regret their abortions, we believe this is outrageous. Nothing is more violent against women than abortion. A woman is always wounded and scarred for life from abortion. That a Catholic institution would host this event is treachery," says Missy Smith.
Randall Terry, Who is spearheading www.StopObamaNotreDame.com states:
"It appears that Georgetown University has become a political brothel, prostituting herself to the very ones committed to abusing her Catholic soul. Worse yet is how few bishops are condemning Georgetown & Notre Dame's harlotry. Sadly, it appears that the fabric of Notre Dame's and Georgetown's treachery was woven by American bishops."
Contact: Missy Smith
Publish Date: April 21, 2009
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