
April 22, 2009

11th hour: Notre Dame newspaper backs out of ad

I wrote yesterday a full page color ad placed by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society was scheduled to run in today's Notre Dame school newspaper, The Observer. Late yesterday CPLC's president, Dr. Monica Miller, received word the ad wasn't going to run, even though it had already been approved and the required check for $1,570 sent. Someone got cold feet:

At issue were these photos of an aborted baby's severed hand and foot, taken from MI late-term abortionist Dr. Alberto Hodari's dumpster 13 months ago (click to enlarge):

View the entire ad here.

This is atrocious. Notre Dame is censoring the truth about abortion, while welcoming and honoring our President of the United States who approves every part of it, including partial birth abortion and infanticide of abortion survivors.

Well, it ain't over. Stay tuned. Dr. Miller's response...

Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: April 22, 2009
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