
March 20, 2009

Understanding the Dignity of All Human Life -- Above Obama's Pay Grade?

Why are we so surprised at the startling gaffe made by President Obama on Jay Leno's, "The Tonight Show" last night?

President Obama with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show.
President Obama with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show.

The remark I am talking about was made when Leno mentioned Barack Obama's low bowling score, the President quipped, "It was like the Special Olympics or something." I cringed. The bad news is apparently Mr. Obama does not fully understand the value and unique gifts of those individuals who compete in the Special Olympic events. The good news is that by his own actions and words we are seeing more and more the true nature of our new President. It is good news, because it is important to see exactly who and what we as Americans are dealing with.

In less than two months President Barack Obama has overturned the Mexico City policy, which means American tax dollars will be used to pay for foreign abortions. He has also been working relentlessly to force physicians to either kill "unwanted children" or refer their patients to other baby killers. He has ensured that even more children will be killed by removing the ban from embryonic stem cell experiments while taking funding away from the very successful adult stem cell research, which kills no one.

Then of course, last night, in an attempt to protect his celebrity, rock star status, Barack Obama appeared on the Jay Leno show and made the disparaging remark about the Special Olympics. There are many people who think a child who is born with a disability or considered less than "Hollywood perfect" is not worthy of life. Some even believe that these beautiful children would be better off if they had never been born.

As a former employee of the ARC of Atlantic County, New Jersey, (a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with developmental disabilities) I strongly disagree!

Mr. President, the remark you made was not funny, but instead was cruel and insensitive and way beneath any comment befitting an American President.

Contact: Day Gardner

Source: National Black Pro-Life Union
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Publish Date: March 20, 2009
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