
March 4, 2009

Sebelius as Health Sec'y - an oxymoron?

Sebelius as Health Sec'y - an oxymoron?

Kathleen Sebelius (Health Secretary Nominee) Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius has been picked by President Obama to head the Department of Health and Human Services, but a pro-life group is challenging the appointment. (View video report)

Pointing to her "reputation for bipartisan problem-solving," Barack Obama on Monday named Governor Sebelius as his nominee for HHS secretary. The president also praised her for her "deep knowledge of what the burden of crushing [healthcare] costs" does to families. But at least one pro-life group contends the governor is "unfit to serve."

Operation Rescue has set up a fact sheet on its website, explaining why Sebelius is a bad nominee. Operation Rescue president Troy Newman believes it is mostly because of her close friendship with and open support of well-known late-term abortionist George Tiller.
"Mrs. Sebelius is in a lot of hot water for her associations with Mr. Tiller," Newman contends. "While he was under investigation and just a few weeks later indicted on 19 misdemeanor charges, she was having a big party with him at the Governor's Mansion."
 Troy Newman
Sebelius claims to be a practicing Catholic, Newman notes, but others in the church disagree. "She's also been essentially excommunicated by Archbishop Naumann of Kansas City for her association with Mr. Tiller and her radical support for abortion," Newman explains. And that support, he contends, places her at "the leftist fringe of radical abortion policy."
Newman says abortion is neither healthy for the child nor the mother, so he finds it ironic that Sebelius has been appointed as Health secretary.

Charlie Butts, Marty Cooper
Source: OneNewsNow
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Publish Date: March 3, 2009
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