
March 11, 2009

Obama the Abortion President

Obama the Abortion President

Abortion happy Obama hasn't spent a full two months on the job yet he's already proving to be a formidable puppet for the abortion industry. Here's a quick recap on the anti-life record of President Obama for 2009:

- January 6, 2009 - Obama chooses Thomas Perrelli, the lawyer who represented Terri Schiavo's husband Michael in his efforts to kill his disabled wife by painful 13-day starvation and dehydration death, as the third highest attorney in the Justice Department.

- January 22, 2009 - Obama releases statement restating support for the Roe v. Wade decision that allowed virtually unlimited abortions and has resulted in over 50 million fetal deaths since 1973. (Despite this particular issue being "above his paygrade".)

- January 23, 2009 - Obama forces taxpayers to fund pro-abortion groups that either promote or perform abortions in other nations. His decision to overturn Mexico City Policy sends part of $457 million to kill children worldwide.

- January 26, 2009 - Obama nominee for Deputy Secretary of State, James B. Steinberg, tells members of the Senate that taxpayers should be forced to fund abortions.

- February 27, 2009 - Obama starts the process of overturning pro-life conscience protections President Bush put in place to make sure medical staff and practitioners (aka, real doctors) are not forced to do abortions.

But I think his most laughable act as a self-proclaimed Christian president would have to be in his appointing maternally devoid harpy, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, to become the secretary of Human and Health Services. His makes perfect sense, because when I hear, "Fight to reduce abortions in America" I automatically think, "Appoint an avid anti-life Nazi to a position of authority in Human and Health Services - the principal agency responsible for protecting the health of all Americans."

As Obama's top health official, Sebelius will have a major impact in crafting a health care plan that would cover abortions with taxpayer funds and require insurance companies to cover abortions in their plans. When not bombarding Obama with meaningless chatter about non-issues, media outlets and Obamaites scoffed at Christian Defense Coalitions "Obama the Abortion President" campaign which pictured an Uncle Sam-clad Obama stating "I want YOU to pay for abortions!"

Well, we hate to say "I told you so", but it's quickly becoming apparent that the only thing pro-life about Obama is his two daughters who somehow managed to escape Michelle alive and intact.

Sebelius has a reputation as a boring, milquetoast, gray, uninspired career politician. The only prominent feature in her political profile is her reputation of being an unswerving pro-abortion whack job. While a state representative, Sebelius fought continually against parental notification, abortion waiting periods, and informed consent laws. As governor she twice vetoed abortion clinic regulation legislation and a bill seeking to curb late-term abortions. And, in spite of evidence of several botched abortions requiring emergency hospitalization - including one abortion death - Sebelius also vetoed bills that would have provided stricter state safety regulations.

Her position favoring abortion is so radical and extreme that Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City called on her to stop receiving communion until she disowns her support for the "serious moral evil" of abortion.

I'm assuming the only appeal this broad has to The Abortion President is her pro-abortion record and not her expertise on matters of health, which is severely lacking to say the least. Pro-life organization Operation Rescue bought and closed one of the abortion mills that Sebelius referred to as meeting "the highest standards of medical care in the country." The building was later found to be unsafe with mold and roach infestations, out of code plumbing and electrical and overall filthy conditions.

In another display of her impeccable sense of judgment, Sebelius hand-picked attorney general Paul Morrison, who later ran for office as a defender of the abortion industry. After only a few months in office, he was forced to resign amidst reports of having sex in public buildings with a subordinate and abusing his authority to obstruct the investigation of abortion practitioners.

In addition to vetoing every pro-life bill sent to her from the legislature, Sebelius has publicly worked hand-in-hand with abortion celebrity George Tiller who specializes in late-term abortions and, by his own count, has performed over 60,000 acts of baby slaughter.

When not busy injecting lethal doses of Digoxin into the beating hearts of small children, Tiller has been known to hobnob at Governors Sebelius' personal home. In April 2007, Sebelius hosted a party honoring not just Tiller, but his entire staff as well. (One wonders if the party decorations were themed... "Where DID you find those adorable cannula straws and party hats?! Hey, laminaria stick limbo on the lawn!")

Am I the only one who gets a little nauseous at the thought of our nations' top health official socializing with an abortionist who offers women cuddle sessions and photo ops with their dead babies?

It's also interesting to note that at the time of the party, Tiller was under investigation by the Attorney General and Kansas Board of Healing Arts. Two months later, Tiller was criminally charged. Sebelius also attended a raucous party given by Planned Parenthood in May of 2007 in honor of her birthday. Five months later, Planned Parenthood was charged with 107 criminal counts, including 23 felonies related to illegal abortions. (Do we notice a trend here?)

As expected from any criminal coddling champion of women's health, in 2008 Sebelius vetoed SB 386 that would have informed women that if they are being coerced into an abortion, they have the right to refuse. Sebelius' veto effectively insured that forced abortions will continue in Kansas, which guarantees a higher number of emotionally abused and broken women.

She also spent a full 20 years opposing Alexa's Law. The law was so named after the daughter of the Brooks family in Wichita, Kansas, whose daughter and 8 month gestation granddaughter were murdered. Alexa's law has nothing to do with abortion and is simply a measure that protects pregnant women and unborn children from violence. You'd be hard pressed to find many health-conscious individuals opposed to such a measure. And yet, this chick is taking the pro-abused woman theme to a whole new level.

Change has come, America. We're only two months in and already we're seeing massive radical and extremist abortion politics from President Obama. As the majority of American's are embracing a culture of life and growing less comfortable with mass child slaughter, Obama is appointing anti-life extremists to positions of authority and taking us back to a radical pro-abortion posture that is both archaic and disturbing.

One has to question his judgment or his motives in choosing a morally deficient woman who wants to expand and embrace abortion policies that diminish women and violate human rights. Based on the irrefutable evidence of her voting and career record, it is a factually sound statement to say that Governor Kathleen Sebelius is only concerned about the 'health' of baby butchers, woman beaters and child abusers. This is why half of America isn't surprised that she is the prime choice of President Barack Obama, The Abortion President.

Contact: Gingi Edmonds

Source: Pro-Life Blogs
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Publish Date: March 10, 2009
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