
March 17, 2009


Obama is NOT Opposed to All Human Cloning

On the morning of March 9, President Obama signed an executive order on stem cell research that also included a statement on human cloning. Many media outlets quickly released a story with headlines like that of the Associated Press, "Obama Calls Cloning 'Dangerous, Profoundly Wrong.'" On the same day, at 1:40 p.m, Obama's press secretary, Robert Gibbs, was asked about the cloning issue and he said, "I think the executive order—I don't have it in front of me—simply bans human cloning."

Commenting on this is Catholic League president Bill Donohue:

"Media reports which said that President Obama banned human cloning were wrong. So was White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

"What Obama did was ban cloning for human reproduction. Which means he left the door wide open for the federal financing of human cloning that does not result in having the embryo implanted in a mother's womb. In other words, he did not rule out cloning human beings for research purposes. So it may be possible to clone human embryos and then cut them up, if desired.

The Fetus as Organ Factory -- The Next Moral Frontier?

"Buckle up. We're on our way." So wrote William Saletan, one of the most influential reporters covering today's medical and moral controversies. Saletan writes for, and his words made reference to the fact our world just got a little more complicated . . . and a lot more dangerous. From London, the Daily Mail reported late last week that Oxford Professor Sir Richard Gardner now proposes that organ tissues from aborted fetuses might represent "at least a temporary solution" to the shortage of available organs for transplant.

Oklahoma House Votes Overwhelmingly to Outlaw Embryonic Stem Cell Research

The Oklahoma House of Representatives Thursday voted overwhelmingly in favor of a bill that would make it illegal to conduct research that would harm or kill an unborn child, including embryonic stem-cell research. The House also voted to invest in adult stem cell research.

House Bill 1326 passed in an 82-6 vote before being sent to the state Senate.

"For me personally, this is the single-most important issue we deal with as legislators: protecting the right to life," said Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City, the bill's sponsor.

"The idea that we should condone the harvesting of children for 'well intentioned' research runs counter to all morality. Human embryos are human beings and the state cannot condone their destruction for research purposes."