
March 23, 2009


Catholic Notre Dame University to Give Obama Honorary Degree on May 17, Against USCCB Policy

White House Secretary Robert Gibbs stated today that President Obama will give the commencement address at Notre Dame University this year.  The school confirmed the announcement, stating on its website that Obama will also receive an honorary doctor of laws degree at the University's 164th University Commencement Ceremony at 2 p.m. May 17 in the Joyce Center on campus.

In 2004, the United States of Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved a policy statement called "Catholics in Political Life," which says, with reference to pro-abortion politicians, "They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions."

President Obama has been called the "abortion president" by pro-life activists, and his appearance at the university would appear to violate the USCCB's policy against honoring pro-abortion politicians.

Warning to Crisis Pregnancy Centers Over 'State Licensing' to get Taxpayer Funding

A bill filed by a Houston lawmaker could cause Waco's crisis pregnancy center to forgo state funding. The legislation would require so-called abortion alternative groups to be licensed to receive state money. That would entail having a licensed counselor and a licensed health care worker on staff, as well as complying with certain other rules. For Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas, based in Waco, those requirements would be so expensive it would make more sense to refuse state funding, executive director Deborah McGregor said. She said she hopes it doesn't come to that, though, because the funds have allowed the agency to serve more women who decide to continue unplanned pregnancies.

Surgery Repairs Defects In The Womb

Twenty years ago, Nathan Brindle would have died a short time after being born. Even 10 years ago, his chances would have been dim. But this is 2009, and doctors are now equipped and willing to bear the enormous risk of intervening early, before a baby is even born, to preserve a life that was once doomed. Guided by sophisticated imaging machines, the doctors would thread a needle through his mother's abdomen into the womb, into his chest, and finally into his heart, the size of a small strawberry, to open a hole between the upper left and upper right chambers. Such fetal surgeries, which have been gaining sophistication and weathering controversy since they were first tried in the 1980s, can save lives.

Vatican Clarifies Remarks on Abortion

The Vatican's spokesman has clarified remarks by Pope Benedict XVI on abortion, saying the church is not opposed to "indirect" abortions that occur during medical care to save the life of the mother. Spokesman Federico Lombardi says the church "has always allowed indirect abortions" when a pregnant woman receives life-saving medical care "that results in the death of the foetus."

'World's First Genetically Altered Human Embryo'

Cornell University researchers in New York revealed that they had produced what is believed to be the world's first genetically altered human embryo—an ironic twist considering all the criticism the US has heaped on South Korea over the past several years for going "too far" with its genetic research programs. The Cornell team, led by Nikica Zaninovic, used a virus to add a green fluorescent protein gene, to a human embryo left over from an in vitro fertilization procedure. The research was presented at a meeting of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine last year, but details have emerged only after new controversy has emerged over the ethics and science of genetically modifying humans.

Parents Lose Fight With Doctors to Keep Sick Son Alive

The parents of a seriously ill baby in Britain have said they are "deeply distressed" by a legal ruling which will allow their "only and beloved son" to die.

The parents, known as Mr. and Mrs. T, said they planned to "enjoy what little time" they had left with their son who has a rare metabolic disorder and has suffered brain damage and major respiratory failure.

Last night the parents' final possible legal avenue to keep their son alive failed when two Appeal Court judges upheld an earlier High Court ruling giving permission to doctors to allow him to die.

The parents said they had battled to keep their son alive because of "his humanity and inherent worth" but they now believed doctors were preparing to switch off his ventilator within the next 24 hours.,2933,510010,00.html