
March 17, 2009

Life Saved in Rockford because of Display

Grotesque "decorations" in the windows of a notorious Rockford abortion facility, featuring rubber chickens hanging from nooses, led to a life saved, after two young men, disgusted by the display, convinced their pregnant companion to leave the building.

The incident took place last Friday at the Northern Illinois Women's Center in Rockford IL, where two men had brought a 17-year-old female friend for an abortion.  Kevin Rilott, a pro-life veteran at the notorious Rockford mill, reports that the young men came out of the building and began conversing with pro-life participants in the 40 Days for Life vigil, as neither of them approved of the abortion.

When the 40 Days for Life crowd pointed out the disturbing display - three rubber chickens lynched in the abortion mill's windows - the two men were aghast, and expressed shock and disbelief.  "I can't believe the black community isn't offended," said one.

The Rockford abortion centre has showcased bizarre and disturbing symbols since at least May 2008, when the display included mock-sacred images, including the "crucifixion" of a rubber chicken, and a nun in a coffin.

"It was interesting to see this young man's reaction when he saw all the rubber chickens hanging by nooses in the windows of what he thought was a medical facility, it really opened his eyes to what this place is all about, a mockery of life," said Rilott.

Incited by what they perceived as an egregious insult, the two men decided to try again to convince their female friend not to abort, taking the group's pro-life pamphlets with them back into the mill.  All three soon came out of the building, and the pro-lifers were able to offer the young mother help.

"It was very clear this morning to all who where there that these young men and the young mother knew abortion is wrong," said Rilott.  "But seeing in the windows of this mill the sickening nature of what really happens inside opened their eyes."

"Without knowing the racist history of abortion in Rockford this young man immediately saw how offensive hanging rubber chickens by nooses in the windows of a building located in an African American neighborhood is," said pro-lifer Donna Modica, who was present that morning.  "It's sad to see so many African American parents bring their children to a place like this."

Rockford's 40 Days for Life states that nine babies have been saved since the start of the campaign this year.

Contact: Kathleen Gilbert

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Publish Date: March 16, 2009
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