
March 13, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Ban Humans to Lower Carbon Emissions?

According to California Congressman Tom McClintock, the world's six billion humans breathe out 2.4 billion tons of carbon dioxide each year. His state has a goal of reducing emissions by 170 million tons of carbon dioxide to meet legislative requirements. Simple mathematics shows if we can just "do away" with 425 million of Earth's inhabitants, we can help Governor Schwarzenegger meet his bogie. Congressman McClintock was one of 80 presenters at the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change held this week in New York City.

Parents sue state over babies' DNA

Minnesota accused of depriving newborns 'of lawful privacy rights'

Nine families have filed a lawsuit against Minnesota's health department over its practice of collecting DNA from newborns and then keeping and using the private information.

The announcement was made by the Citizens' Council on Health Care, which said the department has been violating the state's 2006 genetic privacy law by collecting, storing, using and disseminating blood samples and DNA information.

Agency spokesman John Stine said the lawsuit was being reviewed, but he confirmed the department takes the blood samples from about 70,000 infants annually, and unless the parents specifically choose to opt out of the program, their children's DNA is saved.

He said the agency relies on "clinicians" to let parents know of the requirement that they choose to opt out of the program and only provides that information to parents through a website and if they call and ask.

Tiller Abortion Patient Transported to Hospital, "No Lights, No Sirens"

Just four days before jury selection begins in late-term abortionist George R. Tiller's criminal trial, a woman was transported to the emergency room by ambulance from Tiller's abortion clinic, Women's Health Care Services.

Sedgwick County ambulance number 23 left Tiller's clinic at approximately 2:15 PM Central Daylight Time and transported a woman to Wesley Medical Center with no lights or sirens running. The patient was rushed into the emergency room with her head covered, leaving witnesses to wonder if she was alive or dead.

Health Care Conscience

The HHS regulations that codify several existing Federal statutes prohibiting discrimination against health professionals, who decline to participate in abortions or other medical procedures because of their religious or other moral objections, have been challenged in court. The suit was filed by attorney generals of eight states, Planned Parenthood of America and The National Family Planning Reproductive Health Association

The Obama Administration announced on February 27, 2009, it was reviewing a proposal to rescind the regulations, which took effect two days before his inauguration. In other words, then President Bush, had issued these regs before the Obama inauguration.

Use Aborted Children to Make up Shortfall of Transplant Organs: Oxford Stem Cell Expert

An Oxford University stem cell expert has urged the use of aborted children in organ transplants as a solution to the shortage of available organs. Sir Richard Gardner has called for a feasibility study on the possibility of obtaining organs from the bodies of aborted babies.

He said, "It is probably a more realistic technique in dealing with the shortage of kidney donors than others."

The Daily Mail reports that pro-life and Christian groups have called the proposal "morally abhorrent," and said it will result in abortions being timed to suit transplant patients.