
March 25, 2009

Coalition to Stop 'Illinois FOCA'

Pro-Life Organizations form Coalition to Stop 'Illinois FOCA'; Launch
Pro-life and pro-family organizations from across the country have assembled a coalition to fight HB-2354, or the Illinois Reproductive Health and Access Act. The coalition calls the bill Illinois' version of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), and has launched a Web site,, to give citizens who oppose the bill a place to connect with each other and receive updates.
"This 'Illinois FOCA' takes away the most basic restrictions on abortion that even a majority of pro-choice advocates support," said Eric Scheidler, communications director of the Pro-Life Action League, one of the organizations leading the grassroots mobilization. "We joined together and developed because we needed a place where people could get all the facts about this heinous bill, and take action against it."
The coalition says the Reproductive Health and Access Act has nothing to do with reproductive health, and everything to do with dramatically expanding abortion in Illinois by sweeping away common-sense restrictions on abortion, such as the state's Parental Notification Act. Opponents say the bill would also:
• Fund thousands of abortions via Medicaid and taxpayer dollars, despite the economic crisis in Illinois
• Force pro-life health care professionals to cooperate in abortion by making abortion referrals
• Mandate "comprehensive" sex-ed programs that encourage promiscuity and undermine the family in all public schools
• Keep abortion entirely legal in Illinois should Roe v. Wade ever be overturned gives a detailed description of HB-2354, along with links for visitors to contact their state representatives, sign an online petition and download fliers and petitions for distribution. The homepage also tracks the latest news about the bill and directs visitors to other anti-FOCA resources.
In addition to setting up a Web site, pro-lifers are circulating petitions, mobilizing churches and canvassing local communities to spread the word about HB-2354 before it comes to a full House vote, which the coalition says could be any time in the coming weeks. The coalition urges Illinois residents and anyone else who opposes "Illinois FOCA" to visit
Contact: Tom Ciesielka
Source: Coalition to Stop 'Illinois FOCA'
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Publish Date: March 25, 2009
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