Losing a Baby You've Never Seen is Devastating Say 'Silent No More' Leaders The case of a New Jersey hospital that threw out the body of a possibly stillborn baby is a heartbreaking story that calls to mind the anguish of post-abortive women, say the leaders of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (SNMAC), the world's largest network of women and men harmed by abortion. "This case illustrates what is obvious - the loss of a baby, even a baby you've never seen, is devastating," said Janet Morana, co-founder of SNMAC. "The women and, yes, the men of Silent No More have suffered this same loss, of having their aborted children tossed out with the trash, only to have their anguish minimized or denied by apologists for the abortion industry. I pray not only that this little boy is found, but also that his mother experience healing and closure." "My heart goes out to the mother of this baby," said Georgette Forney, another co-founder of SNMAC. "Even if the child was stillborn, he was a human being who should have been treated with the respect and care that every single person, born and unborn, deserves. I know the trauma and heartache of wondering what happened to my baby's body; officials should turn those landfills upside down until they restore that child to his grieving mother." Contact: Janet Morana, Georgette Forney Source: Silent No More Awareness Campaign Source URL: http://www.silentnomoreawareness.org Publish Date: January 7, 2009 Link to this article: http://www.ifrl.org/ifrl/news/090108_3.htm |