
January 13, 2009

Health Group Supports Assisted Suicide, Abortion

Public Health Group Supports Assisted Suicide, Abortion
The American Public Health Association (APHA) claims to be "leading the way" to protect Americans from "serious health threats." Yet, according to two of its 2008 policy statements, assisted suicide and abortion are not among those threats.

The APHA is endorsing assisted suicide for terminally ill adults, but rejects the phrase "assisted suicide" as "inaccurate."

Among its recommendations:

• "Support allowing a mentally competent, terminally ill adult to obtain a prescription for medication that the person could self-administer to control the time, place and manner of his or her impending death."

Dawn Vargo, bioethics analyst at Focus on the Family Action, said: "It's hypocritical for the APHA to claim they are protecting Americans from serious health threats while at the same time advocating for the killing of the weakest among us.

"If they really wanted to help protect Americans, they would start by advocating pro-life policies that protect the most vulnerable members of society."
The public health group also calls for state legislation "protecting and enhancing women's ability to obtain safe, legal abortion services without delay or government interference."

Jennifer Mesko
Source: CitizenLink
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Publish Date: January 12, 2009
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