
December 18, 2008

Pro-Life Leaders Seek Meeting with Obama

Pro-Life Leaders Seek Meeting with President-Elect Obama


In a letter sent to the President-Elect it states, "...the pro-life community seeks a first time face-to-face meeting with you."


The purpose of meeting would be to "...establish a foundation on how we can all work together to build a 'culture of life' which honors equality and human rights and ends abortion."


A full text of the letter can be seen here:


The pro-life leaders will have a news conference to discuss the meeting with President-Elect Obama on Friday, December 19, at 11:00 A.M.


The location of the news conference is in front of the Presidential Transition Office located at 451 6th Street NW in Washington, D.C.


Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states, "President-Elect Obama has repeatedly stated during his campaign and in post election comments his strong desire to meet with those who have differing views from his.  It is our hope and prayer that these words truly reflect his heart and were not shallow campaign promises to be discarded after the election.


"President-Elect Obama has never sat down with members of the pro-life community that represent the values embraced by millions of Americans.  He has never heard the narratives of women who have been bruised and diminished through abortion.


"Mr. Obama has never heard the personal stories from thousands of dedicated professionals that have laid aside personal ambition and financial gain in order to serve women who find themselves in challenging pregnancies.  He has never heard from faith and human rights leaders that are devoted to standing for social justice and ending the tragedy and violence of abortion.


"If President-Elect Obama is truly interested in reducing abortions, it is imperative that he sit down and dialogue with those who have dedicated their lives toward ending this tragedy."


Brandi Swindell, President and Founder of Stanton Healthcare, adds, "Every day clinics like ours reach out to women who are experiencing difficult and crisis pregnancies.  We do so at no cost to the women who use our services.


"It is important for President-Elect Obama to hear our stories and the stories of our clients to understand that social justice begins in the womb.  We cannot be considered a just and compassionate nation if we do not provide and protect the most defenseless and vulnerable in our society.


"Mr. Obama talks about hope and change and we admire that.  However, that message of hope and change must extend to all Americans and include those who have no voice of their own.  Those are the over 50,000,000 innocent children who have been aborted since Roe V. Wade."


Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Kaitlin Clare

Source: Christian Defense Coalition

Publish Date: December 18, 2008

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