
December 23, 2008

Caroline Kennedy Comes out with Anti-Life Beliefs

Caroline Kennedy Comes out with Anti-Family, Anti-Life Beliefs

Caroline Kennedy has gone public with her stance on the issues in response to a wave of media inquiries after Kennedy, virtually unknown in the political world, announced her interest in the New York senate seat Hillary Clinton will leave open when she becomes Secretary of State.

As was widely suspected, Kennedy emerged as firmly entrenched in favor of abortion and same-sex "marriage" in keeping with a strongly left-of center persona.

In email responses to questions from the New York Times, Kennedy's spokesman Stefan Friedman described her as supporting "full equality and marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples."

Answering the question "Would she oppose legislation that would require minors to notify a parent before obtaining an abortion?" came the response: "Caroline believes that young women facing unwanted pregnancies should have the advice of caring adults, but this should not be required by law."

On the question of late-term abortions, Kennedy was said to "support Roe v. Wade, which prohibits third-trimester abortions except when the life or health of the mother is at risk."

Kennedy told the Buffalo News that she opposes the death penalty.

A Roman Catholic, Kennedy has no public service record and largely avoided the spotlight until she joined Barack Obama's pre-election team earlier this year, and has since consistently expressed a very high opinion of the President-elect and his policies.

NARAL of New York were pleased with the possibility that Kennedy would replace Clinton, saying she was "someone who could take up the mantle that Hillary has sort of started in terms of commitment to reproductive health care."

Kathleen Gilbert
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Publish Date:
December 22, 2008
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