NEWS SHORTS FOR TUESDAY Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information. Abortion support equal to Nazism In a strongly worded article published next to a moving photo of an unborn baby in the womb, Cardinal Edward Egan, Archbishop of New York, compared tolerating abortions to the reasoning used by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin to commit mass murders. The cardinal begins his column for the latest edition of the archdiocesan newspaper "Catholic New York" by explaining that "the picture on this page is an untouched photograph of a being that has been within its mother for 20 weeks. Please do me the favor of looking at it carefully." "Have you any doubt that it is a human being?" Cardinal Egan asks. "If your answer to this last query is negative, that is, if you have no doubt that the authorities in a civilized society would be duty-bound to protect this innocent human being if someone were to wish to kill it, I would suggest—even insist—that there is not a lot more to be said about the issue of abortion in our society. It is wrong, and it cannot—must not—be tolerated." Over 80 Bishops Say Abortion/Life Issues Defining Issues of Election A comprehensive list compiled by reveals that more than 80 U.S. bishops have proclaimed abortion and the life issues to be the defining issues in the upcoming election, including 22 bishops who signed on to a joint statement by the New York bishops, and another 10 bishops who signed on to a Pennsylvania joint statement. Just three days ago, reported that popular Catholic writer and blogger Rocco Palmo had calculated that approximately 50 bishops have proclaimed abortion and the life issues to be the defining issues in the election; but according to InsideCatholic the number is significantly greater than that. Living Pro-Life Is More Than Talk By the title of this column, I am very sure that most people will readily understand the underlying theme even before I begin, as the war over abortion has been waged in this country now for the last three and a half decades. That's right, decades. And it is a cultural war, at that, with the only blood being shed being that of the innocents over whom this battle is waged. But have you ever considered what each side says about themselves? Take for example those who call themselves "pro choice." They call themselves pro choice because they want you to believe that they have the woman's best interests at heart. But the truth is that to believe in this kind of choice, you must also believe that every murderer, thief, rapist and child molester has a right to act upon their choices and that victims are just out of luck. Federal Appeals Court To Review Va. Partial-Birth Abortion Regulation Virginia's law banning a type of late-term abortion is getting another review by a federal appeals court. A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has twice declared the law unconstitutional. On Tuesday, the case will be heard by the full appeals court. The state attorney general's office asked for the rehearing. The law bans a procedure that abortion opponents call "partial-birth abortion." In a 2-1 ruling in May, a panel of the appeals court ruled that the law imposes an undue burden on a woman's right to obtain an abortion. Woman Arrested After Kicking Pregnant Woman In Stomach A Colerain Township woman is charged with two counts of assault--one for the woman she allegedly attacked, and one for the victim's unborn child. The alleged victim is 14 weeks pregnant, and according to her, the suspect knew that. But it didn't stop her from allegedly pushing her against a fence and kicking her in the stomach. Twenty-seven-year-old Aisha Crawford was arrested Sunday night by Norwood Police after a warrant had been issued for her arrest. South Dakota To Reconsider Vote On Abortion Ban Two years ago, South Dakota voters overwhelmingly rejected a proposed ban on abortions that proponents had hoped would set up a Supreme Court showdown over Roe vs. Wade. Next month, the state ballot will include another abortion ban with similar goals -- but observers say this one is far more likely to pass.,0,5945574.story Baja California becomes next Mexican state to take steps to protect unborn The Baja California State Congress has voted to reform its constitution to guarantee the right to life of the unborn, making it the next Mexican state after Sonora to head off attempts to legalize abortion. Representatives from all the major political parties voted to amend article 7 of the State Constitution to protect the life of the unborn "from conception to natural death, without exceptions." |