
October 14, 2008


Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.
`Eugenic Abortion': With Pre-Natal Testing, 9 in 10 Down Syndrome Babies Aborted
In 1972, a year before the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision, virtually all children with trisomy 21, or Down syndrome, were born. Less than a decade later, with the widespread availability of pre-natal genetic testing, as many as 90 percent of women whose babies were pre-natally diagnosed with the genetic condition chose to abort (murder) the child. The practice has been described by one physician as "eugenic abortion."
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Johnson & Johnson Paid $68M to Settle Birth-Control Cases
Johnson & Johnson has spent at least $68.7 million to settle hundreds of lawsuits filed by women who suffered blood clots, heart attacks or strokes after using the company's Ortho Evra birth-control patch, court records show. J&J, the world's largest maker of health-care products, avoided trials through the confidential settlements and hasn't released the financial details to investors. Of 562 complaints reviewed by Bloomberg News, the vast majority of users alleged the patch caused deep-vein thrombosis, or blood clots in the legs, and pulmonary embolisms, or blood clots in the lungs. Some blamed it for heart attacks or strokes. The complaints blamed Ortho Evra for the deaths of 20 women. One settled case involved Ashley Lewis, a 17-year-old high school junior from St. Louis who died in 2003. She developed a blood clot in her lung after wearing the patch for six months, according to Roger Denton, an attorney for Lewis's family, including her son, who was a one-year-old when she died.
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Abortion supporters are outside the Church, says Mexican cardinal
The Archbishop of Guadalajara, Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez, said this week those who promote and approve laws in favor of abortion are outside the Catholic Church and should not receive Communion.
During his homily at the Mass in honor of Our Lady of Zapopan, the cardinal encouraged those present to defend life from conception to natural death. 
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