Buzz About Obama Releases Obama Abortion Wish List to Santa Increased Abortions and No Abortion Restrictions on Obama's List "Senator Barack Obama promised Planned Parenthood that he'd like to sign the Freedom of Choice Act as his first act as President," stated Barbara L. Lyons, Executive Director of Wisconsin Right to Life. "Obama's wish list includes taxpayer funding of abortion, partial-birth abortions, secret abortions for minors with no parental involvement, no required informed consent for women seeking abortions, and continued unfettered abortion on demand. The Freedom of Choice Act would nullify almost all existing federal and state laws which restrict abortion. The Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee has released a series of e-cards on Obama's record because too many people continue to believe that Obama is pro-life and that he will reduce the number of abortions. "Nothing could be further from the truth," declared Lyons. "Obama is the most fervent pro-abortion candidate for President ever," stated Lyons. "Under an Obama regime, if he fulfills his promise to Planned Parenthood, almost all federal and state laws enacted by the people over the past 30+ years will be mere words in the statues. It is vitally important that the public understand Obama's intentions, and know that if he gets his way, abortions are certain to increase." To view all four e-cards, including "Obama's wish list to Santa," click here. Contact: Susan Armacost, Barbara L. Lyons Source: Wisconsin Right To Life Source URL: Publish Date: October 29, 2008 |