
October 31, 2008

ADF Sues over Planned Parenthood Contracts

ADF Sues over Planned Parenthood Contracts
The Alliance Defense Fund is asking a Colorado court to cancel $18 million in state contracts awarded over the past year to a Planned Parenthood affiliate and a Boulder abortionist in violation of a state constitutional amendment that forbids taxpayer-funded abortion.
The lawsuit says the five contracts — awarded to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Services Corp. and the Boulder Valley Women's Health Center — unconstitutionally used taxpayer funds to subsidize abortion.
Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst for Focus on the Family Action, said it’s almost impossible to believe Gov. Bill Ritter was unaware of the law when he awarded the contracts.
“Anytime the government finds a way to get around the clear intention of the voters, it’s always a dangerous precedent and should be of concern to every citizen,” he said. “Citizens should start by calling the governor right now and telling him to stop this funding immediately.”
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Source: CitizenLink
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Publish Date: October 30, 2008
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